Our pre-inked return address stamps are considered the best in class for impression and ink coverage. The ink included makes 1,000's of high quality impressions and can be refilled when the ink runs out.
Return Address Stamp Sizes:
- Small = 22m x 64mm
- Medium = 30mm x 70mm
- Large = 38mm x 83mm
Self Inking Stamps Pro Tips
- Preink stamps work by ink flooding into the design. If you haven't used your stamp in a while, stamp it first on a piece of scrap paper to remove any excess ink.
- When using your return address stamp, count to 5 between each impression. That will give time for the ink to fill the design again giving it the best impression.
In house we call it "crispy, crispy" because the ink coverage is so nice and uniform compared to using an ink pad or self inking stamp. It's very satisfying to see such a nice "crisp" impression.